Project VIVRAN
People who donate in the spirit of cooperation in the HHP program can also take financial
People who donate in the spirit of cooperation in the HHP program can also take financial
support from the organization. The format of economic cooperation will be in 6 parts, the details
support from the organization. The format of economic cooperation will be in 6 parts, the details
of which are shown above. For example - if a person donates Rs 1000/, then the organization will
of which are shown above. For example - if a person donates Rs 1000/, then the organization will
make available Rs 12000/ in each part in 6 parts in the form of financial assistance to that person
make available Rs 12000/ in each part in 6 parts in the form of financial assistance to that person
if needed.
if needed.
People who donate in the spirit of cooperation in the HHP program can also take financial
support from the organization. The format of economic cooperation will be in 6 parts, the details
of which are shown above. For example - if a person donates Rs 1000/, then the organization will
make available Rs 12000/ in each part in 6 parts in the form of financial assistance to that person
if needed.
# The organization is not taking any kind of interest from any person for the financial support
# The organization is not taking any kind of interest from any person for the financial support
provided by the organization.
provided by the organization.
# The organization is not taking any kind of interest from any person for the financial support
provided by the organization.
# Out of the 6 parts of economic cooperation, except one part called Happy Credit, it will be # Out of the 6 parts of economic cooperation, except one part called Happy Credit, it will be
mandatory to unlock it by paying Rs.- 250 to use any part of the remaining 5 parts. The institutionmandatory to unlock it by paying Rs.- 250 to use any part of the remaining 5 parts. The institution
accepts the amount received from this unlock process as platform charge.accepts the amount received from this unlock process as platform charge.
# Out of the 6 parts of economic cooperation, except one part called Happy Credit, it will be
mandatory to unlock it by paying Rs.- 250 to use any part of the remaining 5 parts. The institution
accepts the amount received from this unlock process as platform charge.
# After donating in HHP, if there is a need to take financial help from the organization, while
# After donating in HHP, if there is a need to take financial help from the organization, while
applying, it will be necessary to see whether the organization has HHP FUND in real time or not, if
applying, it will be necessary to see whether the organization has HHP FUND in real time or not, if
so, apply otherwise it will be mandatory to wait.
so, apply otherwise it will be mandatory to wait.
# After donating in HHP, if there is a need to take financial help from the organization, while
applying, it will be necessary to see whether the organization has HHP FUND in real time or not, if
so, apply otherwise it will be mandatory to wait.
# After taking financial help, it will be mandatory to return it according to the time period fixed
# After taking financial help, it will be mandatory to return it according to the time period fixed
by the institution. Failure to do so may result in a charge from the institution.
by the institution. Failure to do so may result in a charge from the institution.
# After taking financial help, it will be mandatory to return it according to the time period fixed
by the institution. Failure to do so may result in a charge from the institution.
# In case of non-return of the financial help, if necessary, discussions can be made through the
# In case of non-return of the financial help, if necessary, discussions can be made through the
officials of the institution.
officials of the institution.
# In case of non-return of the financial help, if necessary, discussions can be made through the
officials of the institution.
# KYC process will be mandatory to do RE-KYC every 12 months. At the time of taking financial
# KYC process will be mandatory to do RE-KYC every 12 months. At the time of taking financial
help, it will be mandatory to get the HHP FORM notarized from the nearest court and upload it
help, it will be mandatory to get the HHP FORM notarized from the nearest court and upload it
on the website so that any kind of dispute can be easily resolved through judicial process in future.
on the website so that any kind of dispute can be easily resolved through judicial process in future.
# KYC process will be mandatory to do RE-KYC every 12 months. At the time of taking financial
help, it will be mandatory to get the HHP FORM notarized from the nearest court and upload it
on the website so that any kind of dispute can be easily resolved through judicial process in future.
What is Green India Program? When such a question comes to mind, the organization's
What is Green India Program? When such a question comes to mind, the organization's
attention goes towards increasing global warming, towards increasing petrol prices and towards people
attention goes towards increasing global warming, towards increasing petrol prices and towards people
who are suffering for oxygen in the Corona era. All these troubles have affected the lives of the people
who are suffering for oxygen in the Corona era. All these troubles have affected the lives of the people
of our country, no one is spared from their effects whether they are poor or rich.
of our country, no one is spared from their effects whether they are poor or rich.
What is Green India Program? When such a question comes to mind, the organization's
attention goes towards increasing global warming, towards increasing petrol prices and towards people
who are suffering for oxygen in the Corona era. All these troubles have affected the lives of the people
of our country, no one is spared from their effects whether they are poor or rich.
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