This program allows anyone from the general public to join the Kosof Trust's Distributor Earning Program and strengthen their financial situation. The program consists of three parts:

1. Super Distributor: The organization invites individuals at the state level for the expansion of services such as AEPS/DMT and other upcoming services. A Super Distributor, selected for a particular state, can appoint District Distributors within their chosen region to further expand operations.

2. Distributor: The organization invites individuals at the district level for the expansion of services. A Distributor, selected for a specific district, can appoint Retailers within their chosen area to extend operations

Registration: Interested individuals can register at by providing their name, mobile number, and setting a password. After registration, they can register as a Super Distributor or Distributor and complete the KYC process.

Assistance Amount: After completing the registration process, an assistance amount of Rs 5000 is required for Super Distributors and Rs 1000 for Distributors. After fulfilling these steps, individuals can utilize the services provided by Kosof Trust, such as AEPS and money transfer, in the Public Digital Service (PDS) under their assigned ID. If you are a Super Distributor, you can add Distributors, and if you are a Distributor, you can add Retailers.

3. Retailer:The organization invites individuals at the ground level to provide digital services through which the exchange of money can be easily facilitated for the benefit of society.

Retailer Registration: After downloading the COMBO KT APP from the Play Store, individuals can register by providing their name, mobile number, and setting a password. Afterward, they need to complete the KYC process.

Assistance Amount: After completing the registration process, an assistance amount of Rs 269 needs to be fulfilled. This amount serves as support for transactions throughout the membership with the organization. After completing these processes, individuals can start working as a Retailer in Kosof Trust's Public Digital Service (PDS) for services like AEPS and Money Transfer, using the provided ID.

Note: For income-related information, inquiries can be sent via email to Email:""

Income Withdrawal: Both Super Distributors and Distributors can withdraw their earnings at any time without any time restrictions.

Changes: The program is subject to changes based on income, government/non-government regulations, and changing rules over time. Information about such changes can be obtained via email.